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Painting your own calipers explained in 8 steps

Painting your own calipers: A step-by-step guide

Painting your calipers can give your car a sporty look and is a great way to personalise your vehicle. Whether you're a DIYer or just curious about the process, this guide will help you paint your calipers professionally. Let's get started!

Rather have it done? Read more here paint calipers.


Before you start, make sure you have the following materials to hand:

  • Jack and jack stands or bridge
  • Wheel spanner
  • Brake cleaner / degreaser
  • Sandpaper (320 and 600 grit)
  • Masking tape and paper (newspapers)
  • Heat-resistant primer
  • Heat-resistant caliper lacquer (in the desired colour)
  • Heat-resistant clear varnish
  • Brush / steel brush
  • Gloves

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Safety first: Make sure the car is on a level surface. Wear gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself.

  2. Jack up car or use bridge: If you have a bridge at your disposal, use it to lift the car. This will make working on the calipers easier and safer. If you don't have a bridge, use a jack to lift the car and place jack stands under the car to keep it safely in place.

  3. Remove the wheels: Use the wheel spanner to loosen the bolts and take the wheels off, otherwise you obviously won't get to them 🙂 .

Step 2: Cleaning

  • Clean the calipers: Use brake cleaner and a brush to thoroughly clean the calipers. Make sure all dirt, grease and brake dust is removed.

  • Sanding: Use sandpaper (first 320 grit, then 600 grit) to lightly sand the calipers. This ensures better adhesion of the paint.

  • Cleaning again: Clean the calipers again with brake cleaner to remove all the dust and dirt from sanding.

Step 3: Masking

  • Masking: Use masking tape and newspaper or kitchen paper to cover the areas around the calipers that should not be sprayed, such as the brake discs and suspension components.

  • Double-check: Make sure all parts not to be sprayed are well covered.

Step 4: Applying primer

  1. Spray primer: Apply a thin coat of heat-resistant primer to the calipers. Hold the spray can about 20-30 cm from the caliper and spray in even motions.

  2. Let dry: Let the primer dry for about 30 minutes, or according to the instructions on the spray can.


Step 5: Apply colour

  1. Spray colour: Now apply the heat-resistant caliper paint. Spray in thin, even layers and allow each layer to dry for about 10-15 minutes. Apply 2-3 coats for best coverage.

  2. Check coverage: Make sure the paint is applied evenly and that there are no drips or unevenness.


Step 6: Finishing with Clear Varnish

  • Blank lacquer spraying: Finally, apply heat-resistant clearcoat to protect the calipers and give them a glossy finish. Spray 1-2 thin coats, with a drying time of 10-15 minutes between coats.

  • Allow to harden: Let the paint cure for at least 24 hours before reassembling the wheels and using the car.

Step 7: Replace wheels

  • Remove the masking tape: Carefully remove all masking tape and newspapers from the calipers.

  • Replace the wheels: Mount the wheels back on the car and tighten the wheel bolts.

  • Lower the car: Remove the jack supports and slowly lower the car with the jack or use the bridge to lower the car back to the ground.

Step 8: Aftercare and Maintenance

  • Inspection: Check the calipers regularly for chips or damage. Minor damage can be touched up with the same paint.

  • Cleaning: Avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning calipers. Use mild soap and water to keep them clean.

Wrapping it up...

Congratulations! You have successfully painted your calipers and given your car a new, sporty look. If you have any questions or need further help, please don't hesitate to contact us. Have fun driving!

Still not successful and would rather have it done? Read more here paint calipers.
